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How To Dispose Of A Car

Unfortunately, cars don’t last forever, especially when they’ve had heavy use over the years or have been broken beyond the point of repair. It’s not safe to drive a car that’s not roadworthy, so it’s time to start exploring your options of what to do with your car now.  Britain scraps over 2 million cars… Read More

Tyre Recycling In The UK Guide

There are over 38 million vehicles in the UK, all of which need at least two tyres to function. The importance of tyres is easily overlooked, resulting in many people not knowing what to do with them when they are being replaced. Over 1 billion tyres are overworn every year, causing massive stress on landfill… Read More

UK Beats Target for End of Life Vehicle Recycling

Recently, the news broke that the UK has seen a jump of over 6% in its End of Life Vehicle (ELV) recycling and recovery performance. This means that it has exceeded the target of 95% set by the European Union. The most recent figures which have been released by the European Commission demonstrate that the… Read More

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